The consulting process in the segments of occupational pension provision and working time accounts can only be managed meaningfully and securely by means of a strict distribution of competencies in a professional service network. Legal and pension advice must be provided by an authorised legal advisor or legal service provider, financial advice by an experienced financial service provider and tax advice by a tax advisor. Only through the use of networked special service providers can all consultants involved in this market survive and at the same time achieve a classic unique position vis-à-vis the client and the competition from the insurance industry, which at present is not represented by any market participant and which will be the decisive success factor. Thus for advisors the unique chance exists by the successful completion of the “Kenston academy for company pension schemes and time value accounts“ to show in this complex business field authority, opinion and face, in order to open up thus frequently not used business and consulting fields again and continuously. In the coming years, the resulting sales potential will lead to the main sources of income for consultants in the fields of legal, tax and financial consulting.
Personnel managers will also gain enormous reputation by participating in the “Kenston Academy for Occupational Pensions and Working Time Accounts“. They also gain the excellent opportunity as in-house experts to minimise all liability problems for their company in the implementation of company pension schemes and working time account systems.
In addition, the “Kenston Academy for Occupational Pensions and Working Time Accounts” is to function as an opinion-forming expert forum which will provide the participating consultants and HR managers with a professional and effective market presence or corporate identity to gain new customer potential or expand internal management competence.
In summary, the cooperation between the “Kenston Academy for Occupational Pensions and Working Time Accounts” and the participating consultants and HR managers, which is intended to continue even after the seminar has been concluded, is to be accompanied by the following measures in perspective:
- Press- and publicity-effective appearance of all participants, in order to increase the respective degree of awareness as competence bearers in the field of occupational pension schemes and working time accounts;
- Informing and educating companies, associations and the public;
- Exchange of views and expert advice for legislative bodies, authorities, ministries and associations;
- Information and training events as well as representation of opposing positions;
- Regular publication and participation in publications.